Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Twitter Do's and Don'ts

So by now you will probably have come across Twitter.. unless of course you're one of my clients in which case don't worry it's not that scary!!!
Understandably running several accounts at any one time I find I spend a LOT of time in the world of Tweets, Hashtags, Lists and Dm's and more and more frequently I'm grinding my teeth..
In order to prevent a trip to the dentist with ground down teeth I thought I'd put together this little list of twitter etiquette..

  • Pay it forward - RT (or retweet to you newcomers!).  If you read something interesting, helpful or see someone asking for help then RT.  It costs you nothing and increases your own chances of being RT'd.
  • Mix personal in with business.  Proven over and over is that people buy from people NOT companies. It's hard enough online to show that you're a human being funny, caring or intelligent but you wouldn't walk into any networking meeting or party and simply repeat over and over your company strapline - Twitter is no different. Show you're real!
  • Leave enough room to be RT'd!!! PLEASE.  If one thing frustrates me on a daily basis it's this.  I love RTing but I hate cutting off domain links or important info.  Try to only use 120 characters, you are less likely to be RT'd if there aren't enough characters for it.
  • Acknowledge RT's.  Manners maketh man they say and again it costs nothing to be polite.
  • Use every opportunity to promote yourself! Yes I know that sounds like a contradiction but nothing will lose you followers like a Tweet like this "Thanks for the RT if you need new windows/SEO/loft insulation click here.." know when not to!
  • Tell us you're in a coffee shop!  Unless of course there's a brand new flavour, great discount or any other reason for us to visit. Same for buying fishfingers in Tesco the only people that want to know that are Birds Eye and Tesco!
  • Ignore DM's (direct messages) you wouldn't ignore someone saying hello in a corridor why do it here, it could be that opportunity you've been waiting for.
  • Ask for someone to DM you when you're not following them or visa versa. Remember you can only DM if you're both following each other!
  • Give Up.  Sometimes it might feel like you're talking to an empty room but trust me persevere it really is worth it in terms of business online presence.
Twitter is a fantastically powerful tool if used the right way or an incredible waste of time if abused. Hopefully the above will help you make it through the pitfalls.

If you'd like to know more or need help running you campaign then please drop me a line! taryn@creativethinkingcdm.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Great list Taryn of Twitter do's and don'ts. Twitter is a great tool but is hard for many individuals and businesses to get their arms around, so having some tips from a pro like yourself can reduce whaling and mashing of teeth ;-)
